Visual Graphic, 2:20 Minutes, 2019

How was our universe created? What happened in the big bang? Where did the atoms come from? How did these atoms gain consciousness? Birth is a visual piece discussing how atoms were the original source of our universe, and how these atoms eventually gain consciousness. Once they are aware of their consciousness, what will they do? 

We know atoms are circulars and have no materiality. Atoms exist in a different universe from us, hence our minds see these atoms differently from their “real forms”. These atoms were birth from the big bang, and reproduced themselves, and started creating our universe. 

Playing with this idea of the universe being conscious by using irregular circular shapes. Since humans don’t have the extra senses to see or feel, this visual piece hopes to reimagine atoms in our universe in an artistic way.

BIRTH is a site specific projection mapping project on a 15 x 2 metres. This visual piece is currently exhibitng at Gulbenkian Media Façade, Canterbury, UK and Media Nexus NTU, Singapore.